¿Who it Works?

Very simply, our technology does not require changes in your usual way to transmit (if you are a frequent user of a streaming service), if you normally emits a signal or music in mp3 format, perhaps in amplitude modulated (AM) or frequency modulated (FM) from your main computer with your favorite program: Shoutcast DSP + Winamp3, Simple Cast or Sam Broadcaster only thing to do is change the format of the signal sent to: AAC Plus v2 one of our servers and east, responsible for re-transmit the audio signal to each of the listeners who connect to your new player.

You say, and what is the change?, Simple, from the time you use our system all your listeners will not require any special plug again to listen to your signal as previously happened, nor will have to accommodate one player especially within their website, since all players are hosted on our servers, our players are well suited to their brand and image.

delivery to all its customers a custom player or the possibility of choosing one of five (5) of the available versions, adapting the design of their websites or system requirements.

Last modified on Saturday, 15 September 2018 01:43