Our platform simplifies the delivery of data traffic on our servers for later re-distributed worldwide so that the consumption of bandwidth for each signal HDMA-HD standard represent only four (4) in the transfer kilobytes you made to our system. Most likely you will be asked, Is the quality that reaches the end user is four (4) Kilobytes?, No, however our system ensures that the resulting quality for the end user and / or listeners is 128 kilobytes, with a sampling frequency of 44,100 and in true stereo format in a standard signal.
Likewise, if you are in the U.S. or Europe we can provide the highest quality of transmission, with a delay of zero (0) seconds ... or in real time. If instead you are in Latin America, we ensure a delay of no more than two seconds point forty-five milliseconds (2.45) if you require this in view of their ISP connection or the Internet. (This is a record for online radio, interactive connections in Latin America). But there are stations that transmit their signal with a delay of eight (8) to fifteen (15) seconds which allows stability in sending data to our servers and as a result a full signal and no cuts in the highest quality.
HD signal Yes No
Stereo Signal REAL Yes No
Customization of the Player Yes No
Delay NO more than 2"45 seconds Yes No
Several players Yes No
Security System IP and port shipping Yes No
Titles and lyrics on screen, real-time Yes No
Third Party Advertising (*) NO Yes
NO additional cost to signal remote Yes No
(*) Advertisement imposed by the provider of streaming, hosting or third party without your prior permission or consent.